Boomerang Mini-Zinger (2 Pack)
Boomerang Mini-Zinger (2 Pack)
Thorne Bros - 10091 Central Ave. - PH# 763.572.3782
10091 Central Ave NE
Blaine MN 55434
United States
The Mini-Zingers have a 36" braided nylon cord and retracts up to 2 oz., great for small fishing tools like nippers and forceps. Each zinger attaches by either clip-on or pin-on and can be purchased in two packs with either both clip-ons attachments, both pin-on attachments or one of each. The Mini-Zinger is made in the USA and proven to last more than 1-million pulls which makes it the standard of excellence in small retractable zingers for fishing tools.
36" Braided Nylon cord and retracts up to 2 oz.
1-1/4 inch diameter polycarbonate case
Available with pin-on or clip-on attachments