Clam Panfish Leech Flutter Spoon
Clam Panfish Leech Flutter Spoon
14 (1/32 oz.) / Gold
Thorne Bros - 10091 Central Ave. - PH# 763.572.3782
10091 Central Ave NE
Blaine MN 55434
United States
The Panfish Leech Flutter Spoon has that unique flutter that falls and tumbles back-and-forth just like it’s big brother the Leech Flutter Spoon. The light-weight and environmentally friendly zinc alloy material flutters effortlessly. Comes with a fast-snap to maximize flutter action. Tip it with a minnow head, Maki Soft Plastic or use it stock out of the box. Available in a wide variety of metallic or glow colors.
Ice industry first feathered treble spoon
Lightweight Zinc Alloy for ultimate flutter action
Flashy metallic colors for todays clean waters
Glow-in-the-Dark colors and UV finish shine brightly in low light conditions and are great deep water and stained water